© Commonwealth of Australia (Fair Work Commission) 2024.

The Fair Work Commission Online Learning Portal (the “Portal”) and material accessed via the Portal (including documents published on, and downloaded from, the Portal) is subject to copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the copyright law applicable to you, or unless otherwise explicitly indicated on particular material, all rights are reserved.

You (including all users) may publish, reproduce or distribute in an unaltered form only (retaining this notice), content on the Portal for personal non-commercial use or use within your organisation.

If a user wishes to use content of the Commission, or another organisation, on the Portal for other purposes, including commercial purposes, or otherwise alter content on the Portal the user must first seek express permission from the Commission or that organisation to use its content.

The Commission may update these terms from time to time, without notice.

If you require further information, you can contact us by email onlinelearning@fwc.gov.au.